Shared Systems Usages Agreement

version: 0.2 - date: 10/22/2018


This agreement shall be used for our shared systems if no other agreement for shared hosting is in place.  This agrement is referenced in our general terms of service.  We reserve the right to update this agreement and any major changes will follow the same policies as updating our terms of service. 


Shared Systems are defined as a system that does not use virtualization, virtual machines, or otherwise considered private servers or virtual private servers or otherwise not dedicated to a single client. 


You may not use any shared system / service provided by us in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of the shared system/service, or that consumes a disproportionate share of the resources of the system.  This includes but not limited to:

  • Running of constant processes not otherwise allowed to do so.  An example of an approved constant process would be php-fpm / hhvm. Non-approved would be cgi that have no function to web pages or crons.
  • Excessive usage of CPU/RAM/IO for extend periods of time
    • Excessive defined as up to 25% of CPU or the limit set per plan for extend periods of time with or without multiple processes or causing above normal loads
    • Extended time defined as taking more time then generally needed to process for website tasks
    • Service plans may lower or increase CPU, RAM, IO, or other server resources including but not limited to total current processes.
    • You may not max your resources on a constant basis.
  • Excessive usage of network bandwidth
    • Usages caused by attacks, DDoS, etc
      • Exemption is given when bandwidth is caused by legitimate traffic caused by spikes in visitors
    • Any bandwidth used beyond your plan / service allotment will be subject to overage charges and will be due at the end of the month
  • Excessively checking of mail services
  • Other activities deemed by staff or the general hosting community to be disruptive, slow down, or otherwise cause service issue

File counts / inodes usages: In general we do not limit by file count or inode usages, however, we may do so on a per plan basis and that will be outlined in the plan's information.


Staging Webspace Usages

If the hosting service (or plan) supports or allows a staging webspace, such webspace shall only be used for testing of site's code / changes / updates with no or limited public access to staging sites.  Staging webspaces have limited resources and do not match the main webspace's resources and are not adjustable.  Any sites found within the staging webspace that are not in fact for testing will result in the staging webspace being suspended and the account owner contacted.  If the usage is excessive or abusive, the whole hosting account may be suspended.   Storage used by the staging webspace shall be for the staging site and any other usage will violate these terms.